Crazee Kids Dance, Drama, Music & Art – term time classes & school holiday workshops

15/09/2015 @ 4:10 pm
Jacksons Lane
London N6 5AA
£121 (11 weeks)
Lisa SIlverstein
07958 501919

Unleash your child’s creativity with the Crazee Kids method. Our inspirational approach uses innovative combinations of Dance, Drama, Music & Art in a relaxed environment.

Crazee Kids stimulating classes and workshops have been running for over 10 years. The overall experience is about having fun whilst providing a unique opportunity to develop self-confidence and ignite the imagination inherent in every child.Classes are designed using a wide variety of creative activities, tailored to the different age groups.Places are limited to give every child sufficient attention and guidance, and are booked on a per term basis.

Runs on: Tuesdays, Saturdays

Further Information About Classes/Workshops


Term Time Classes 3-5 year olds starting Tuesday 15 September & Saturday 19 September. “Minion Adventure” October Half Term Workshop 26th-28th October 3-10 year olds

Further Details:

Autumn term 2015 – Tuesdays
September 15th to December 8th
12 weeks, excludes half–term October 27th
Tuesdays 4:10–4:55pm
Age 3–5 years, £132.00

Autumn term 2015 – Saturdays
September 19th to December 12th
12 weeks, excludes half–term October 31st
Saturdays 10:10–11:00am
Age 3–5 years, £132.00

Spring term 2016 – Tuesdays
January 12th to March 22nd
10 weeks, excludes half–term February 16th
Tuesdays 4:10–4:55pm
Age 3–5 years, £110.00

Spring term 2016 – Saturdays
January 16th to March 26th
10 weeks, excludes half–term February 20th
Saturdays 10:10–11:00am
Age 3–5 years, £110.00