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"Highgate Society" "Salon Music" "Trees" #creativity #jazzcello #jazzcellotunes #kateshorrtt #lordpalmerston #photography #rupertgillettcello #theartofjazz #TufnellPark 'Demain' 1940s 1950s 2 models 20th century 21st century home 25 40 anniversary 40th anniversary 49a Gallery 50th Anniversary 50th Anniversary of Highgate Society 70s 8 week course A cappella aaron sparks absurd comedy acclaimed show acrobatics acting adaptation adrian berrya adult adult dance Adults advemture adventure aerial aerial rope aerial silk after school AGM Aiki-Lab Aikido Alfred Hitchcock All Dogs Matter all female all female group All Hallows Church All Saints Church All Saints Hall all welcome alula american songs anarchy and the little one said anniversary anniversary special annivesary Anthony Green antiques Architecture Archive Area Forum art Art and Photography exhibition Art classes art club Art conservation Art Course Art discussion art exhib Art exhibition art history Art lecture Art show art workshop artisan Artisan market Artist artistic director Artists Moving Image arts Ashley associate artist Auction audio described autobiographical Autumn Social autumn term award winning axel scheffler babies baby band Bank Holiday Concert Barb Jungr bargains Barn dance Barn owl Baroness Hayman Baroque bbc 3 BBQ bear hunt beauty bee-keeping Beekeeping Bees Beethoven beginners beginners singing bella kinetica Bellway beta testing big wooden horse birthday party black voices blogger Blue Badge Guided Walk blues Board Games boogaloo book Book early book fair Book sale bookbinding books boris johnson Bouncy Castle bowie Brahms Brahms concert Brazilian Music breakfast and film Breakfast in the Park british circus British Spring Clean Broadway songs Bruno Heinen BSL buffoon Building homes Bulb sale burlesque Bus routes Bushwood Ensemble Butakova Butterworth Buzz cabaret Cabaret and tea Camden Camden Fringe canapes CANCELLED cancer captioned cardio cards carers Carols cbt ceilidh Cello and Guitar music Cello music Central London Outdoor Group ceramic circle ceramics cercle français Chakra Chamber Ensemble Chamber music CHANGE OF VENUE charity charity concert check times chess Chester Rd Library Chickenshed children Children Show children's book fair children's books Children's club Children's music show children's show children's theater children's theatre Children's Theatre - Mrs H and the Sing-along Band Children's Theatre - The Enormous Turnip Childrens party chivaree circus choir Choir master Chopin Chopin lecture recital choral music Choral Society choreographers Christian Lee Christmas christmas 2015 Christmas 2016 Christmas Carols Christmas event; Living Crib; Carols; Christmas fair Christmas sale Christmas show Christmas Trees Christopher Woodward cigar box juggling circus circus geeks Circus Space circusc circusf Cirque du Soleil cirque due soleil Clarinet class classes classical Classical Concert classical guitar Classical music Clean up Highgate Cleaning up cleaning up Highgate Village climate change closing event clothes swap clown clowning coach trip cocktail Cocktails cocktails & Music coffee Coffee & Tea Morning Coffee tasting and talk cole porter Colombia comedian comedy comedys community Community Centre community day Community Drawing Workshop community event Company New World Company Uusi Maailma Computer computer advice computer help Computers concert Concerto concerts conservation area Conservation Areas contemporary circus contemporary dance cooking show Coolhurst Tennis and Squash Club core strength coronation events council councillors course Coutts craft crafternoon craftivism crafts cream teas Creative Kids Cricket History crime writers critically acclaimed cuatro cyber fraud cyber scams cyr wheel dads dance Dance and Music dance class dancing Daniel Donskoy dark comedy david bowie Debate debut debut show decorations Dee McClean: My Places Delius dementia dementia friend information community Democracy designer Designer/Maker Fair Development plans Dickens Dinner and Cabaret Dinner and talk Dinner with a difference disco discoveries discussion discussions DJ dog show Don Giovanni don quixote double bill Douglas Clarke Dr William Whyatt drag drama Drama class drawing drawing in Museums Dreyfus Affair Drinks drop-in-class Dyne house dystopian early music earlyyears Easter Easter Fun edfringe edinburgh fringe editors eggs Election candidates electro Elgar Elizabeth Crawford Elizabeth Marcus Elizaveta Butakova Kilgarriff Elspeth Hamilton embroidery emerging artist emerging artists endurance Energy English entertainment Epiphany Celebration erotic Ethical funding Evensong event excercise exercise exhibition Exhibitions exotic plants experiment experimental Explore Lauderdale House Explore Waterlow Park extremism fair Fair in the Square Fair Volunteers; meeting fairytale falconry family family event family show family theatre fancy dress farmers market father Fay Simpson Faye Patton feminism feminists festival festivals festive Festive food fêtedesrois film film making film making for Children film noir Films Finland finnish Finzi fire first editions fitness fizz Fizz and nibbles flappers flexibility Flower show flute & piano flyaway katie folk Followed by tea food food market For 7+ For Young children forster FoWP france free FREE concert Free event Free live music Free music free range Free singing session Free theatre French French Circle French discussion French Films French Quiz French talk frenchcircle fresh food fresh produce Friday night Friends of Highgate Library Friends of Waterlow Park fringe fringe preview Frisky and Mannish Fujii fun Fun for all the family Fund raising Fund raising concert fund raising supper and auction Fund raising supper quiz funfair funny futuristic gala gala evening Gaming Gandini Juggling gandini jugglingc garden visit Gatehouse george egg germany gig Gill Clarke goblin king Godber Godwine Choir Gomez gomito gospel greek myth groove grotesque gruffalo Guest speaker Guided tour Guided Walk guitar Guitar and Voice Guitar Recital hades HAIR half-term halloween Hampstead Heath Hand balancing hand to hand Handmade in Highgate handstand Harington Harington Friends Harington Scheme harmonica harp Hatha HCS health Hege Hoisaeter Help Refugees heritage HGO HHS HHS AGM HHS Autumn Flower show HHS Spring show HHS Summer show HiCAN Highate Fesstival Highate School Highgate Highgate Bowl Highgate Cemetery Highgate Choral Society Highgate Coffee and Computers Highgate Festival Highgate Gallery Highgate Has Heart Highgate Library Highgate Library N6 Highgate Life Drawing Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution highgate modern homes talk Highgate Neighbourhood Forum Highgate Newtown Highgate Newtown Community Centre Highgate School Highgate School talk Highgate Society Highgate Society AGM Highgate Society Social Highgate Tidy Highgate Village highgate watercolour group Highgate Woods hikapee hilarious Hillcrest Commons hillcrest community events hip hop Historical Historical walk history hlsi HLSI Christmas Cracker Fair hncc HNF hogwallops homelessness Honey hopscotch Hornsey Hornsey Town Hall horror Horticultural hot and cold street food hotel house houses HSI HTLGI hula hoop hula hooping hustings Iain Lee Ian Tindale ibiza Illustrated talk In Conversation In Waterlow Park Centre Independent Teachers Indie Bands individula coaching injuries Inmarsat insect circus Insect safari interactive concert intermediate international International Dance Festival International Women’s Day interview interwar Ireland Irish IT iwd iwd2020 jacksons lane jacksonslane jam session Janacek Japanese bookbinding jareth Jazz Jazz in the House jazz quartet Jazz singer Jazz trio Jeff Duckett Jenny Williamson jess love jewish JL at 40 Jo Pearl John Caird John Hegley John Lenahan John Lidal John Plews jon udry jonathan pie Joropo Joseph Shiner journalism juggling julia donaldson Junior School Kausikan Rajeshkumar Kazmin Keats Keep Britain Tidy Kenwood kenya Kestrel kettle bells kids kids activities Kids Zumba kiln Kiri Tunks Kirima Uganda Kishinev pogrom Kodaly kraftwerk Kristallnacht Kyffin Williams ladies only laptop advice Las Vegas late bar Latin American Latin American Harp lau Lauderdale Lauderdale Hose lauderdale house Lauderdale Housse Lauderrdale House Laughter Yoga Hargrave Hall Laughter Yoga Wellbeing Wokrshops Laughter Yoga with Odette layla rosa Learn to sing learn to sing & to perform learning lecture les femme circus LFMC lgbt library lierature Liesbeth Allart Life beyond earth life drawing Life Drawing at Lauderdale House life on wheels lifedrawing Lissenden Players liszt literary Literary walk literature little angel little angel theatre little soldiers live live art live arts live band Live Music Living alone Llanero Spirit local local artist local food Local Government locality London London Composers Forum London Film-Makers' Co-operative London puppetry festival Long Nose Puppets lords of strut love Lubetkin Lucy Stevens LUX macabre machine stops Magic Magic Night magic paintbrush Magic with Chemistry Mailley-Smith Mamas kitchen maracas Marc Haynes Marc Hitchinson marjan pilates Mark Nevin gig mark thomasc market markets Martin Bailey Martin Barlett Marx master of suspense matt pang Matthew Floyd Jones Matthew Sharp medical history meditation meeting memory memory loss mental illness meta Michael Rosen Mills Centre mime mimes MIND mind / body mindfulness missa blue mixed level mixed-bill Mobile Phone help Mobiles Modern architecture modern jewish history modernism Moeran quartet Mondays Monteverdi mosaic classes mosaic courses mothers day motown movie making Mozart Mr Bean meets Charlie Chaplin mums music Music and dance Music and photographs music for babies music for children music for toddlers Music from America music hall Music show music show for children musical Musical Journey musical revue Musical Theatre musicals musiciens Musuem Muswell Hill N6 Nancy Wilson's Music Natalie Reckert national centre for circus arts national theatre nature NCCA neighbourhood Neighbourhood Plan neil sedaka New Group new members New Music new writing newborn news news reporter NGS Open Garden NHS Nick Pritchard nicky campbell NLCC NLWA Noah's Ark children's Hospice Noah's Ark Hospice Noel Coward NoFit State Norman Bailey Vocal coach north london North London classes north londonf Oboe Recital OmVedGardens one man show online Open air Open Air Theatre Open Day Open Garden Open House Open meeting open mic Open to non-members opera Opera Loki orchestra organ concert Organ Recital organic food original compositions Orpheus Our World outpost Over 20 subjects painting Painting with Watercolour and Acrylic Palm court music papercraft parapsychology parents park Parkland Walk party Paul Guest pay what you decide Pensioners performance performing arts persephone philosophy Photographic Competition Photography exhibition physical physical comedy physical performance Physical Theatre Piano piano and violin Piano concert Piano recital Piazzola pilates pilates at Highgate pilates near Highgate village Pilates near me plant fair Plant Heritage Plant sale Plants plastic boom play Playreading Playreadings poem poetry Poetry Group Poets pole dancing Policical History politics Polly Dunbar pond square pop music pop up art pop-up cafe pop-up shop portrait Portraiture and Figure Drawing post natal postcards postcards 16 postcards 2015 postcards 2016 postcards festival Poulenc pre natal pre&post-natal pre-concert talk pregnancy preview printmaking procession Produce professional dancers Prokofiev's score promenade prosecco psychodermabrasion psychotherapy pub Pub Club public meeting punk Puppet show puppet-making demo puppetry puppets Qi Gong queer quiet gardens quisuisje? quiz Rachmaninov Radio radio 4 radio host Recital recycling Red Hedgehog red shed reflection Refreshments relaxation religion Remembrance Service Renewable energy at home rerun residency Retro returning favourites reuse Rian Evans Robert Cunning Robert Powell Robert Preston roller skating roman royal Rudsambee company of singers Sacred Sale Sally Kendall Sally Kendall mosaic artist salsa santa Sarah Walton Satellites save our loos scavenge hunts Schubert Schubert Quintet Schumann science Science talk scorched Screening Screenprinting screwball Sculpture park second-hand books selective state schools Senior Seniors sewing shadow theatre Shakespeare Shakespeare's songs Sharon Finmark shit theatre Short Course show show tunes shrubs shunt sideshow silkscreen prints Silver Lining sing sing along sing musicals singalong singing singing club Singing lessons singing workshop sir martin gilbert sirkus skate skipping slapstick smart phone advice social social housing Social Media society sold out performance sold out show solo show song songs Sophia Starling soul sound bath soundscapes Soup after Soviet paintings spaceman Spain Spaniards special commission Specialist Nurseries spiritual spoken word sponsored swim spring bulbs Spring Fair Spring Sale spring show Spring social St Augustine's Church St Joseph's Highgate St Mary's Brookfield church st michael's st michael's school St Michaels Church St Michaels Primary School St. Joseph's stalls stand up stand upt standup Stephen Brooks Stephen Deazley Stephen Hose still life Stoke Newington story telling storytelling street party streetdance stress relief string quartet strongman summer sunday Superhero supper concert surgery surprise Suspense Sustainable living group swapping swish swish and style sword-swallowing Szymanowski's Stabat Mater tablet know-how Tablets Talk Talk by Emma Underhill talk from artist Talk on 1966 trip to USA Talk on London's trees Talk re Future of Library Talk re Library Talks tall stories tango taster Tea and Cabaret Tea and cake Teas teenagers Telephone Boxes the bull The Gatehouse The Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution the snail and the whale the Winter Fair The Woodman theare Theatre Theatre talk therapy thin white duke things to do thriller throwback throwback show Thrown Contemporary tiny snail Toby Young toddlers Tom Gray Torrealba toulouse tour tour guide course touring tragicomedy trail trails training Transition Highgate transition Kentish Town trapeze Travel Trees of Highgate tribute trilingue trio tudor turkish tv presenter tweedy Two Concerts Two day course uk circus UK Premiere Under 5's Unique unique creations unmissable up and coming upcycled upcycling Upper Gallery Upstairs at The Gatehouse URC URC Highgate vampires Van Gogh variety show various locations vaudeville Vaughan Williams verses victorian video Village Fair vintage violin Virtual visual arts Vocal workshop vogueing Voice and Piano volunteer Voxcetera wail walk walking Walking tour Watercolour Group waterlow Waterlow Park Waterlow Park centre We're going on a bear hunt Wednesday wellbeing wellness west end musicals whales WI Will presentation Wine Wings at The Duke's Head wireless women women in engineering work in progress workshop world music world news Wreath-making writing WW1 History www.hand-made-in-highgate.com xfm Yoga Yoga for adults Yoga for Children young circus young people youth youth club ziggy stardust Zoe Hirson Zumba Zumba pm class
“They are wonderful” – The Times
What if wishes were granted? What if magic was real? When a Storyteller appears everyone is enchanted… Beasts and breadcrumbs, wolves and witches, but all Froggy really wants is to hear a story starring someone like him. Head into the woods with Hansel & Gretel, help little elves make beautiful shoes, meet the princess who’s champion of hide-and-seek, and see if Froggy finally gets his wish!
Box Tale Soup present a stunning adaptation of Grimm’s most magical tales, featuring wonderful puppets and spellbinding original music.
Sunday 9 February 11am & 2pm
Tickets £14 | Ages 3 – 7
Step into The Wonderland Garden and journey through the changing seasons with a curious young person and their new friend, Robin. This magical show blends live music and theatre, perfect for families with little ones under six. Enjoy musical storytelling with classical instruments and South Asian percussion, all set against a playful, pop-up book-inspired backdrop.
Sunday 16 February at 11am | 1pm | 3pm
Get ready for Jacksons Lane’s first-ever homegrown circus cabaret for kids and their grown-ups — a thrilling mix of acrobatics, jaw-dropping aerial feats, mind-bending juggling, and tricksters who walk on their hands! Packed with surprises, heart-stopping action, and plenty of laughs, this family-friendly show is the perfect half-term treat. It’s an unmissable event filled with circus magic that’ll leave everyone grinning from ear to ear. Don’t miss out — join us for a fun-filled, unforgettable experience!
Get ready for Jacksons Lane’s first-ever homegrown circus cabaret for kids and their grown-ups — a thrilling mix of acrobatics, jaw-dropping aerial feats, mind-bending juggling, and tricksters who walk on their hands! Packed with surprises, heart-stopping action, and plenty of laughs, this family-friendly show is the perfect half-term treat. It’s an unmissable event filled with circus magic that’ll leave everyone grinning from ear to ear. Don’t miss out — join us for a fun-filled, unforgettable experience!
Get ready for Jacksons Lane’s first-ever homegrown circus cabaret for kids and their grown-ups — a thrilling mix of acrobatics, jaw-dropping aerial feats, mind-bending juggling, and tricksters who walk on their hands! Packed with surprises, heart-stopping action, and plenty of laughs, this family-friendly show is the perfect half-term treat. It’s an unmissable event filled with circus magic that’ll leave everyone grinning from ear to ear. Don’t miss out — join us for a fun-filled, unforgettable experience!
Get ready for Jacksons Lane’s first-ever homegrown circus cabaret for kids and their grown-ups — a thrilling mix of acrobatics, jaw-dropping aerial feats, mind-bending juggling, and tricksters who walk on their hands! Packed with surprises, heart-stopping action, and plenty of laughs, this family-friendly show is the perfect half-term treat. It’s an unmissable event filled with circus magic that’ll leave everyone grinning from ear to ear. Don’t miss out — join us for a fun-filled, unforgettable experience!
Get ready for Jacksons Lane’s first-ever homegrown circus cabaret for kids and their grown-ups — a thrilling mix of acrobatics, jaw-dropping aerial feats, mind-bending juggling, and tricksters who walk on their hands! Packed with surprises, heart-stopping action, and plenty of laughs, this family-friendly show is the perfect half-term treat. It’s an unmissable event filled with circus magic that’ll leave everyone grinning from ear to ear. Don’t miss out — join us for a fun-filled, unforgettable experience!