11 South Grove
London N6 6BS
The third Highgate Debate to be held at Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution tackles the issue
of current drugs policy. Our two prominent speakers take opposing positions, roughly equating
to a ‘tender’ or a ‘tough’ approach to users. Molly Meacher will argue for a more liberal drugs
policy, while Will Blair will oppose any change. As with previous debates, they will be supported
by seconders from local 6th forms. Members of the audience will then be invited to make
contributions from the floor. The Debates will be free and open to the general public, as well as
HLSI members.
WHEN Thursday 5 March 2015, 8.00pm, doors open at 7.30pm
WHERE Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution, 11 South Grove, London N6 6BS
HOW Free and open to all, but to be sure of a place please book.
Please Note: Places not taken by 7.45pm may be offered to others
Reservations may be made in person, by phone or by email:
tel: 020 8340 3343; email: admin@hlsi.net
For further information please contact Kathy Dallas: gkzwdallas@aol.com