Mondays @ the Mills: Ecuador and the Galápagos

09/10/2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm
Mills Centre, Highgate School
School House
5 Bishopswood Rd, Highgate, London N6 4PP

Mondays @ the Mills: Ecuador & the Galápagos

9 October 2017

Dr Scott Crawford and Dr Ben Weston, Highgate SchoolThe Biology department organises biennial international expeditions for sixth form pupils; past visits include Honduras in 2012 and Madagascar in 2015.  This year a party of twenty four pupils visited the Amazonian region of Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands to take part in active conservation research in association with a group of university scientists. In this presentation, the group leaders, Dr Crawford and Dr Weston, will review the expedition and outline the biological significance of the various habitats that the pupils explored.


Talks take place on Mondays at 7pm in the AV Room in the Mills Centre. Refreshments, including wine, are available from 6.30 pm and afterwards.