10 South Grove
London N6 6BS
You are cordially invited to tea, a talk and a private viewing of an exhibition on The story of the Great Mansions of the Highgate Ridge and the visionaries who lived in them – Witanhurst, Athlone House, Beechwood, Holly Lodge and Kenwood House.
Using seldom seen material from the HLSI archives the exhibition focuses on the lifestyles of the early owners of these houses and the pioneering reforms for which many of them fought and from which many of us still benefit.
Now that London has because a location of choice for the global rich, the exhibition asks what we can learn from the similarities and differences between the lifestyles of the new occupiers of these mansions and of their inhabitants a hundred years ago.
The talk – at 10A – will be given by Prof Richard Webber who has designed the exhibition – which is in the HLSI gallery. It is jointly funded by the HLSI, the Economic and Social Research Council, Highgate School and the Highgate Society.
RSVP to richardwebber@originsinfo(dot)eu
(Alternatively you can attend the exhibition
launch at HLSI on Tuesday, 31st May, 7.30)