10 South Grove
London N6 6BS
Need advice about what gadget to buy?
Need advice about how to use the one you have already?
Or just fancy coming along and having a play?
We hold informal one-to-one computer familiarisation sessions over a cup of coffee on the last Friday of the month.
No need to bring anything, just yourself.
“The computer has given me a new life” says 69 year old Coffee & Computers visitor.
So if you are over 55 (or thereabouts) and the very mention of computers bring you out in a cold sweat, call Stuart on 020 8347 2411 or email kirstenhs2012@gmail.com (quoting Coffee & Computers) and give us an idea of what you want to know more about.
Or just come along for the coffee and have a dabble.
We look forward to seeing you!