AN INTRODUCTION TO AIKI-LAB AIKIDO: Overcoming Aggression with Beneficent Intention

01/06/2018 @ 6:45 pm – 9:30 pm
At the Highgate Library Civic & Cultural Centre
Croftdown Rd
Highgate, London NW5 1HB

Sensei Corky Quakenbush (Los Angeles) is back in London to present his unique Aiki-Lab method – at the Highgate Civic and Cultural Centre.

Complete beginners are especially welcome! No Aikido technique, throw, fall or force is strictly necessary!

Corky is the mastermind of the ground-breaking approach to Takemusu Aikido known as AikiLab – a YouTube sensation. Whereas most forms of Aikido are taught through the repetitive emulation of katas or techniques, his approach does not rely on such stereotypes. Instead, the main focus of Aiki-Lab is on the flow of energy arising from the intentions of those involved in a confrontation…

Corky’s re-invention of the Art – the result of more than thirty years of practice and research – his unique gift for teaching, allied to a friendly and open personality, has led to a growing demand for his teaching world-wide.

In this hands-on presentation, you will understand how certain intentional moves which channel beneficent intention towards an opponent, often lead to a safe and harmonious resolution of an attack.

Please book ASAP!

Five £10 concessions  available. Please e-mail us in advance.