A Walk through Highgate: Experiments in Urban living

26/02/2017 @ 11:30 am – 1:15 pm
The Woodman
The Woodman
414 Archway Rd, London N6 5UA
£12/ £9
Marilyn Greene
07896 831 164

Discover some of Highgate’s twentieth century housing developments in this historic walk through Highgate. We will pass Lubetkin’s iconic High Point flats, learn about Highgate’s early history, walk through Waterlow Park and learn of it conception, pass Highgate Cemetery where Karl Marx is buried and explore Abrahmam Davis’s Holly Lodge Estate and Walter Segal’s 1950s St Anne’s Close.

Starts Opposite the Woodman Pub, Archway Road, finishes at Parliament Hill Fields at the bottom of Swain’s Lane. From here one has the choice to discover Highgate, see the views from Parliament Hill or further explore Highgate East or West Cemetery (additional fees)

You can check travel options at the Transport for London Journey Planner.

Footprints of London Walk www.footprintsoflondon.com

Published by Marilyn Greene

City of London guide and guide for Hampstead, Highgate area and local history specialist. Museum background.