
Neighbourhood Plan: Drop In Session @ Highgate Society
Mar 14 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

The Highgate Neighbourhood Forum will be running a drop-in session for anybody to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan on March 14 from 11am until 2pm at 10a South Grove.

Chivaree Circus: Becoming Shades @ Jacksons Lane
Jul 19 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Myths remixed: the classic story of Persephone is retold with live music, aerial acrobatics, fire, dance and mime. A high impact show full of hope and sorrow, it’s Greek mythology but not as you know it as this tale of love, choice and empowerment gets a contemporary circus twist. Chivaree Circus will take you on a journey and leave you ready to embrace an eternity in Hades.


We have introduced a Pay What You Decide policy for Postcards Festival 2016shows.

You can attend the shows without paying for a ticket beforehand, but tickets can be reserved in advance (max 4 per booking). When the show finishes, you will have the opportunity to make a donation – either by cash on the door or card at the Box Office.

Travellers’ Tales from Central Asia @ Highgate Society
Jan 21 @ 3:15 pm – 5:30 pm

Free entry – complimentary tea and cake – non members welcome

This is the third in what is now becoming an annual Highgate Society event – a January afternoon
travel talk and tea. Our first, in 2016, featured visits to North America by Catherine Budgett Meakin
and to the Andes by Richard Webber. Last year it was the turn of Michael Hammerson who dusted
off his slides and diary account from 1966 to treat us to a wonderful account of his experiences as a
young man visiting the battlefields of the American Civil War.
This year our focus shifts to Asia where we will hear travellers’ accounts of visits to three countries in
the Caucasus and Central Asia that receive very few foreign visitors.
The presenters will whet your appetite for a visit with images of magnificent mountain scenery as
well as heritage site of world-wide significance. This will be presented within a broader discussion of
sustainable tourism, the impact of the collapse of the Soviet Union, geo-political uncertainty and
social acceptance and resistance to the spread of Western values.
Do you need a guide to visit these countries? Or should you join a group? How safe will you be? And
how easy is it to engage in meaningful discussion with the views of local people? Come and hear.

3.15 1: Kyrgistan: Guyonne James
3.40 2: Armenia: Richard Webber
4.05 Questions, answers and discussion in response to talks 1 and 2
4.20 Tea
4.35 3: Iran: Betty Pires + team (the precise members of which are to be confirmed)
5.00 Questions, answers and discussion on practicalities of a central Asia visit