Mindfulness Meditation Programme (8-weeks)

03/02/2014 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Jackson's Lane
269A Archway Road
London N6 5AA
£225 (£200 for OAP/f/t students/unemployed)
Jamie Shavdia
07792 755 132

This eight-week program will help you to:

improve your focus and concentration levels

lower bodily stress and increase relaxation

explore how your mind works

explore how your mind habitually creates unhealthy thought processes and worry 

help you to prevent the arising of depressive moods

achieve a robust and healthy mind, accepting your internal reality and the world around you

work towards acceptance of unhealthy emotions

achieve a deep sense of calm, patience and stillness

grow and mature as a true human being and explore what it means to be ‘me’

develop compassion for self and others

This will be particularly helpful for those people wishing to lean to relax or, experience stress, depression, anxiety, attention problems or any condition involving a fast-thinking anxious mind.