Do you suffer from arthritis? Our friends from Age UK Haringey’s Caring Connections group have invited Arthritis Action’s health experts. Feel free to join them on a Monday 9nd February, 11:00am-1:00pm in the lounge.
You can expect:
• Healthy eating information from our registered dietitian
• Information on physical therapy, breathing and keeping active from our registered osteopath
• Do some gentle exercises
You can also get information on Arthritis Action’s work on their / email: or by calling 01323 416550 / 0800 652 3188.
Caring Connections is a borough wide project by Age UK Haringey and it supports older people with long term health conditions to keep socially active. They meet here at Trees every Monday. If you would like to join them, speak to Kathy Wiltshire, Development Worker at Age UK Haringey, on a day or contact her , or on 020 8885 8353 / 020 8801 2444.